Perspective Shift

Our littlest was born in 2018 with Down Syndrome. A diagnosis we feared and fought with all our might was coming true. We were scared and downright devastated over the diagnosis. But, we trusted God’s plan and put one foot in front of the other. It was all we could do at the time, but little by little, God began to work in us. He cared for us, provided for us, and gave us peace that surpassed all understanding.

I often share of the beauty of having a child with Down Syndrome, and I know so many of you are thinking “what’s so great about having a child with Down Syndrome"? I get it, having a child with special needs is challenging to say the least. It has stretched us in more ways than we can count. But there has been so much beauty in the hard and I’m sharing with all of you, because it is so worth it. The Lord has taught us so many things on this journey. I view these like a key to a secret life, a perspective shift that is astounding. I don’t know why we were chosen to for this journey, but I’m thankful every single day that we were. What a gift, a true blessing that our David is to us and those around him. And, five years in, I wouldn’t change a thing about him. He is perfectly and wonderfully made.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
Psalm 139:13-14

What we have learned through Down Syndrome

1 – To slow down.  When we rush from one thing to the next, we miss the small things the Lord has blessed us with.  Like daffodils.

2 – To celebrate the little things.  Real life, the good kind of life, is found in the little things.

3 – Our differences make us special. 

4 – God is good.  All the time.

5 – The Lord provides.  I know you’ve heard it, but it’s true.  If you have a minute, I could tell you so many ways in which the Lord opened doors, gave us hope, and provided just what we needed.

6 – To say “hey” to strangers.  It’s more about them than you.  Your smile can make someone else’s day.

7 – There are so many good people in this world, and they live right where you are, in your community.  The news would have you feel otherwise.

8 – Contrary to popular belief, God does give you more than you can handle.  It’s part of his plan, so we will rely on him, and not on our own strength.

9 – People with Down Syndrome have a light that shines bright, it’s a true gift.

10 – We are not defined by our abilities.  We are children of God.


Camilla Moss
Tagged: Family